
一秒钟,iPhone变身iPod Classic!


新华网1月4日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,数月前,iPod Classic的下架让不少果粉黯然神伤。虽然,iPod Classic或将一去不复返,但iPod款苹果手机外壳这个概念若是成真,无疑会是一大安慰。

Apple uncerimoniously killed off the iPod Classic a few months ago, and the internet, as it is wont to do, basically exploded with consumerist anger. Although the iPod Classic probably won't be coming back any time soon, this concept, if it were to become real, would make it all ok.

To be clear, this is not an actual product. It's not even a hint of an actual product. It doesn't even have a crowdfunding campaign yet. It's just a concept from designer Claudio Gomboli, and it's likely to remain that way.

This is a great idea. The clickwheel was already a neat way of navigating around a device, and if the iPod Cover worked with gloves on, it'd be a killer winter accessory. It'd take an Apple intern twenty minutes to design. This is a personal plea to the Apple R&D team. If any of you have souls left, make this. Make it now. Then charge me $99 for owning one.

标签:苹果 手机 果粉

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