2009年12月11日 14:51凤凰网 】 【打印共有评论0

吴昌华女士是国际性非营利机构---气候组织(THE CLIMATE GROUP)的大中国区总裁,负责该组织在中国的战略发展和管理运作。作为一名专注于中国环境与发展的政策分析人士,吴女士还是英国前首相布莱尔先生的专家顾问组成员,为2009年在哥本哈根联合国气候变化大会可能达成的全球气候协议献计献策。





Greater China Director

The Climate Group

Changhua Wu is the Greater China Director of The Climate Group. A professional environment and development policy analyst with a focus on China, she leads the organization's strategic development in the region and manages its Greater China operations.

As a member on the expert group, she has been working with His Right Honorable Tony Blair to support a constructive Copenhagen international agreement. Ms Wu leads the team to build up government and business strategic partnership and leadership to drive the scale-up of clean technology solutions in cities and regions. She is also a member of the International Management Team. Ms Wu has become the spokesperson for the organization on China, helping international community understand what China has been doing.

A China specialist for 16 years, Ms Wu now heads The Climate Group's Global Demonstration initiative with a China focus that aims to forge public and private partnership with technology solution providers, financial institutions and city and regional governments to quickly scale up low carbon solutions in China. She speaks frequently to media and at various leadership forums to advocate China's approach towards low carbon prosperity.

Before joining The °Climate Group, she was the Executive Director of China Operations of ENSR, working closely with multi-national corporations to support their business development in China and also their compliance with Chinese regulations. Before returning to China, she directed the Program for China Studies at the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Washington, DC, and consulted for multinational organizations like the World Bank, UNEP, and UNDP. She was the 1993 Fellow of World Press Institute and 2004 Fellow of the Temple law school's High-level US-China Roundtable on Environmental Law and Policy. She holds two graduate degrees, one in Law from Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the other in Environmental Policy from University of Maryland.


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