• 热门搜索词:
美批评扁四要一没有言论 促扁履行四不承诺
2007年03月06日 12:01投票数: 顶一下  【



美国国务院发言人麦科马克:“As is well established, the United States does not support independence for Taiwan. President Bush has repeatedly underscored his opposition to unilateral changes to the status quo by either Taipei or Beijing as these threaten regional peace and stability, US national interests and Taiwan's own welfare. President Chen has repeatedly pledged that he would not alter the guarantees in his 2000 inaugural address not to declare independence, change the national title, push for inclusion or sovereignty themes in the constitution, or promote a referendum to change the status quo in regards to the questions of independence and unification. President Chen has also reaffirmed his 2004 inaugural pledge to exclude sovereignty themes from the process of constitutional reform which would focus exclusively on good governance and Taiwan's economic competitiveness. President Chen's fulfilment of his commitments is a test of leadership, dependability and statesmanship, and of his ability to protect Taiwan's interests, its relations with others and to maintain peace and stability in the strait. Rhetoric that could raise doubts about these commitments is unhelpful.”

正如美国一向以来都不支持台湾独立, 布什总统一再强调他反对台湾或大陆任何一方改变现状, 因为这会威胁该地区的和平与稳定,美国的国家利益以及台湾本身的福祉。陈水扁过去一再承诺,他不会改变2000年就职演说时的保证,包括“不宣布台湾独立,不改变台湾称号, ‘修宪’不涉及‘主权’议题,不会推动统独公投企图改变现状”。陈水扁2004年连任就职时也再次确认, “修宪”过程不会涉及“主权”议题,而只会专注在台湾的行政管理以及经济竞争力, 陈水扁能否遵守他自己的承诺,考验他作为一个领导者是否有可信度,以及是否有政治家风范,也考验了他是否有能力保护台湾利益, 还有他与其他人的关系,并且维护台海和平稳定的能力。


麦科马克:“我刚刚说,任何让人怀疑陈水扁过去所作的承诺的言论都是没有助益的,你可以推论既然我们反对单方面改变现状,因此任何言论与此相违背的, 我都称为没有助益的。”


麦科马克:“我们期待任何偏离陈水扁过去承诺的言论, 他都能澄清说,他还是遵守他之前承诺的。”



莫乃倩、陈依秋 美国国务院报道

   编辑: xwj

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