译者按:据《每日邮报》(The Daily Mail)12月18日报道,叙利亚前总统阿萨德在逃离叙利亚之前,向以色列透露了大量军事机密和高价值资产详细信息,以换取以色列确保他安全逃离叙利亚。
Former Syrian president Basharal-Assad handed over military secrets and extensive details of high-valueassets to Israel to guarantee his safe passage out of the country, it has beenclaimed.
据称,叙利亚前总统巴沙尔·阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)向以色列移交了大量军事机密和大量高价值资产的详细信息,以确保他安全逃离叙利亚。
The autocrat, who was deposedearlier this month by rebel forces, allegedly provided the location of weaponsstockpiles, missile-launch sites, military bases and other key infrastructureof Syria's government forces to Israeli chiefs.
In return, the IDF agreed toensure his presidential jet would not be threatened as Assad headed to Russia'sHmeimim air base near Latakia. He later fled the country on a Russian militaryjet as Islamist militant group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) claimed control ofDamascus.
作为回报,以色列国防军同意,在阿萨德前往拉塔基亚(Latakia)附近的俄罗斯赫迈米姆(Hmeimim)空军基地时,确保他的总统专机不会受到威胁。后来,伊斯兰激进组织“沙姆解放组织”(Hayat Tahrir al-Sham)声称控制了大马士革,阿萨德乘坐俄罗斯军用飞机逃离了叙利亚。
Hours after Assad touched down inMoscow, Israel launched a widespread bombing campaign that delivered pinpointstrikes on hundreds of Syrian military targets.
The stunning claims of Assad'sfinal cowardly act were made today by leading Turkish journalist AbdulkadirSelvi, who claimed in a column for Turkey's Hurriyet newspaper that a 'trustedsource' provided details of Assad's communications with Israel.
今天,土耳其著名记者阿卜杜勒卡迪尔·塞尔维(Abdulkadir Selvi)在土耳其《自由报》(Hurriyet)的专栏中发布了阿萨德最后的懦夫行为,他说,一名“可信的消息人士”提供了阿萨德与以色列通信的详细情况。
Assad portrayed himself as adevoted leader and family man who remained 'alongside his people' throughoutthe civil war - even as his forces, allied with Russia, Hezbollah, andIranian-backed militias, were responsible for thousands of deaths.
'I have never sought positionsfor personal gain but have always considered myself a custodian of a nationalproject, supported by the faith of the Syrian people,' he said.