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Russia Unveils Eligible Nations for Shared Values Visa


The Russian government has released a list of 47 countries and territories whose citizens are eligible for its new “Shared Values Visa” (SVV) program. Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin approved the roster on September 17, 2024, including major Western powers and their allies.

俄罗斯政府公布了一份包含47个国家和地区的名单,其公民有资格申请新的“共同价值观签证”(SVV)项目。该名单于2024年9月17日由俄罗斯总理米米舒斯京(Mikhail Mishustin)批准,其中包括主要西方大国及其盟友。

The government announced the SVV in August, offering a streamlined path to Russian residency for foreigners who align with the country's “traditional values.” It waives language and history test requirements typically needed for temporary residence permits and does not fall under the quota system.


Most inclusions span North America, Western Europe, parts of Asia, and Oceania. The United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and most European Union member states are, unsurprisingly, on the list.


Russia also added Japan and South Korea to the list of eligible nationalities. Ilja Belobragin, General Managing Partner of MovetoRussia.com, explains this addition due to Russia viewing South Korea and Japan as “firm allies-or, as some might say, subordinate states-within the greater power structures of the West.”

俄罗斯还将日本和韩国列入了符合条件的国家名单。“移民俄罗斯”(MovetoRussia.com)网的合伙方总经理伊利亚·贝洛布拉金(Ilja Belobragin)解释了这一决定,称俄罗斯将韩国和日本视为“坚定的盟友,或者某些人所说的西方国家大权力结构中的从属国。”

The list also features smaller nations like Micronesia, which Belobragin connects to US military interests. He points out that “the US is constructing new, additional military bases on those islands-likely in its effort to pivot to Asia, as prominent US national security policy professionals such as Elbridge Colby have advocated.”

该名单还包括了像密克罗尼西亚这样的较小国家。贝洛布拉金指出,这与美国的军事利益有关。他解释道:“正如埃尔布里奇·科尔比(Elbridge Colby)等美国国家安全政策专业人士所倡导的那样,美国正在这些岛屿上建设新的军事基地,可能是为了响应其转向亚洲的战略。”

The SVV's launch comes amid Russia's broader pivot towards Asia and internal development. According to Belobragin, Russia is looking to expand its trade infrastructure to the East and South and “secure the Northern Sea Route-all of which will demand monumental construction projects.



He views the program as more than just political posturing. In Belobragin's assessment, "this program is much more about the future workforce needs of Russia" and not so much a "slight to the West." He sees this as "an honest, cautious trial to see if people will come to Russia in search of a better life.


Regarding potentially expanding the program to include non-liberal countries Belobragin believes that in the short term, Russia will not add any countries to the list. Like any such program, he explains, this will continue for a couple of years as "it is evaluated before any adjustments are made. Belobragin points out that the program, however, extends eligibility to both citizens and permanent residents of listed countries.





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