东西问·中外对话|多哥华侨华人联合会会长:从文博交流到绿色发展 中非合作恰逢其时

2024-09-08 09:07:09中国新闻网



Though thousands of miles apart, China-Africa friendship and cooperation enjoy a long history. As the 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) was held in Beijing from September 4 to 6 this year, Xie Yanshen, president of overseas Chinese Association in Togo, shared his observations during his trips to African countries in an exclusive interview with China News Service.

Xie said that by setting up the museum in Africa, not only the foreigners can explore the African country, but the Africans themselves can better know about their own history and culture. Apart from the museum exchanges with China, green energy development between the two sides also holds high expectations. (Xue Lingqiao)



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