图为周口市扶沟县种粮大户在抢收小麦。 王宇 摄
图为周口市黄泛区农场在抢收小麦。 王宇 摄
图为周口市黄泛区农场在抢收小麦。 王宇 摄
图为周口市扶沟县一种植专业合作社在烘干小麦。 王宇 摄
图为周口市扶沟县一种植专业合作社在烘干小麦。 王宇 摄
图为周口市黄泛区农场在晾晒小麦。 王宇 摄
Notice: The content above (including the videos, pictures and audios if any) is uploaded and posted by the user of Dafeng Hao, which is a social media platform and merely provides information storage space services.”