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// 关注疫情 教育危机



©️ 教科文组织图片 | 教科文组织已加入拯救未来运动,敦促各国政府在COVID19疫情恢复过程中,将教育作为优先事项。





讲话原文如下 👇


Education is the key to personal development and the future of societies.

教育会创造新的机会,缩小不平等 。教育是知情、宽容社会的基石, 也是 可持续发展的主要驱动力

It unlocks opportunities and narrows inequalities . It is the bedrock of informed, tolerant societies, and a primary driver of sustainable development .

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2019冠状病毒病大流行导致了 有史以来最大规模的教育中断

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the largest disruption of education ever .

7月中旬,160多个国家的学校关闭, 影响到10亿多名学生 。全世界至少有4000万儿童错过了关键的学龄前一年的教育机会。

In mid-July, schools were closed in more than 160 countries, affecting over 1 billion students . At least 40 million children worldwide have missed out on education in their critical pre-school year.


And parents, especially women, have been forced to assume heavy care burdens in the home.

©️ 教科文组织图片 | 在纽约冠状病毒疫情暴发期间,这名十四岁的男孩在家中通过网络网上学,而他的父母进行远程办公。

尽管通过广播、电视和在线授课,老师和家长也尽了最大努力, 但许多学生仍无法连通纳入进来

Despite the delivery of lessons by radio, television and online, and the best efforts of teachers and parents, many students remain out of reach .


Learners with disabilities, those in minority or disadvantaged communities, displaced and refugee students and those in remote areas are at highest risk of being left behind.

即使对那些能够接受远程教育的学生来说, 成功也取决于他们的生活条件 ,包括家务的公平分配。

And even for those who can access distance learning, success depends on their living conditions , including the fair distribution of domestic duties.

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We already faced a learning crisis before the pandemic.

已有超过2.5亿学龄儿童失学 。发展中国家的中学生只有四分之一能够毕业,并掌握基本技能。

More than 250 million school-age children were out of school . And only a quarter of secondary school children in developing countries were leaving school with basic skills.

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现在我们面临的是一场一代人的灾难,这场灾难可能会浪费人类无数的潜力, 抵消数十年来取得的进步 ,并加剧根深蒂固的不平等。

Now we face a generational catastrophe that could waste untold human potential, undermine decades of progress , and exacerbate entrenched inequalities.

儿童营养、童婚现象和性别平等等方面的连锁效应 令人深感担忧。

The knock-on effects on child nutrition, child marriage and gender equality , among others, are deeply concerning.


正是在这样的背景下,今天我在此发布这一政策简报,同时与教育合作伙伴们以及联合国各机构一道发起一项新的运动,名为 “拯救我们的未来”


This is the backdrop to the Policy Brief I am launching today, together with a new campaign with education partners and United Nations agencies called ‘Save our Future’.

我们正处于对世界儿童和青年具有 决定性的时刻

We are at a defining moment for the world’s children and young people.


The decisions that governments and partners take now will have lasting impact on hundreds of millions of young people, and on the development prospects of countries for decades to come.

本政策简报呼吁在 四个关键领域 采取行动:

This Policy Brief calls for action in four key areas:



First, reopening schools.

2019冠状病毒病在当地的传播一得到控制, 让学生尽可能安全地回到学校 和学习机构就必须成为当务之急。

Once local transmission of COVID-19 is under control, getting students back into schools and learning institutions as safely as possible must be a top priority.


We have issued guidance to help governments in this complex endeavour.

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必须在健康风险与儿童教育和保护风险之间取得平衡 ,并考虑到对妇女劳动力参与率的影响。

It will be essential to balance health risks against risks to children’s education and protection , and to factor in the impact on women’s labour force participation.


Consultation with parents, carers, teachers and young people is fundamental.



Second, prioritizing education in financing decisions.

在这场危机来袭之前,低收入和中等收入国家就已经 面临每年1.5万亿美元的教育资金缺口

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Before the crisis hit, low and middle-income countries already faced an education funding gap of $1.5 trillion dollars a year .

这一缺口现在已进一步扩大。 需要保护并增加教育预算

This gap has now grown. Education budgets need to be protected and increased .

至关重要的一点是, 教育是维护加强国际团结一体工作的核心 ,从债务管理和刺激方案到全球人道主义呼吁以及官方发展援助,皆是如此。

And it is critical that education is at the heart of international solidarity efforts , from debt management and stimulus packages to global humanitarian appeals and official development assistance.



Third, targeting the hardest to reach.

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教育举措必须设法联通惠及那些最有可能被落下的人 ——处于紧急情况和危机中的人;各类少数群体;流离失所的人和残疾人。

Education initiatives must seek to reach those at greatest risk of being left behind -- people in emergencies and crises; minority groups of all kinds; displaced people and those with disabilities.

教育举措应对女童、男童、妇女和男子面临的具体挑战保持敏感,并应刻不容缓地 设法弥合数字鸿沟

They should be sensitive to the specific challenges faced by girls, boys, women and men, and should urgently seek to bridge the digital divide .



Fourth, the future of education is here.

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We have a generational opportunity to reimagine education.

我们可 朝着建立 向提供优质全民教育的具有前瞻性的系统迈出一大步 ,以此作为实现可持续发展目标的一个跳板。

We can take a leap towards forward-looking systems that deliver quality education for all as a springboard for the Sustainable Development Goals.

为实现这一目标, 我们需要投资于数字扫盲和相关基础设施 ,向学习如何学习的方向转变,重振终身学习,并加强正规教育和非正规教育之间的联系。

To achieve this, we need investment in digital literacy and infrastructure , an evolution towards learning how to learn, a rejuvenation of life-long learning and strengthened links between formal and non-formal education.

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And we need to draw on flexible delivery methods, digital technologies and modernized curricula while ensuring sustained support for teachers and communities.

世界面临着不可持续的不平等程度,因此, 我们比以往任何时候都更需要教育这一促进平等的重要工具

As the world faces unsustainable levels of inequality, we need education – the great equalizer – more than ever .

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我们现在必须采取大胆的步骤 ,创建适合未来的具有包容性、韧性和高质量的教育体系。

We must take bold steps now , to create inclusive, resilient, quality education systems fit for the future.




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