2009年03月20日 15:22 】 【打印




Crinoids Lung fish fossil

208 square meters’ large scale Dragon Lily fish show is make up of Dragon fish and Fossil crinoids. Dragon fish is Ocean overlord 280 million years ago. The picture reappear lively scene in Triassic ocean.

In the Triassic ocean 280 million years ago,the enchanting beauty crinoids cloud the ocean, floating or Stretch themselves in the ocean as the dancing fairy.The Ocean overlord  Dragon fish was attracted by the dense crinoids forest,they  Feeding children in the crinoids forest. Crinoids swaying,four small Dragon fish are playing and two big Dragon fish  are walking in the crinoids forest. Triassic marine Life thrive and Bustling.

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   编辑: 王棣
解析财智栏目由 北京华夏采风文化传播有限公司 承建 栏目热线:010-63992779