


新蓝草乐队是一支来自上海的乐队,融合了新式蓝草音乐和世界音乐的风格。这支乐队的风格以蓝草音乐(Bluegrass Music)为基础,同时吸收了每个乐队成员家乡的音乐特点,将美国蓝草音乐风格、蒙古民歌和中国传统歌曲结合,并在不同程度上加入爵士、Funk,摇滚.世界音乐和当代流行音乐的元素。



TomPeng - New Grass Band

新蓝草乐队是一支来自上海的乐队,融合了新式蓝草音乐和世界音乐的风格。这支乐队的风格以蓝草音乐(Bluegrass Music)为基础,同时吸收了每个乐队成员家乡的音乐特点,将美国蓝草音乐风格、蒙古民歌和中国传统歌曲结合,并在不同程度上加入爵士、Funk,摇滚.世界音乐和当代流行音乐的元素。

New Grass Band is originally from Shanghai. Their music has a good combination of new bluegrass and international music style. The band is featured in Bluegrass Music, and has also absorbed the elements of the music where the band members from, including Inner Mongolia and Chinese tradition folk music. Their music is also infused with Jazz, Funk, Rock and Roll, Classic and Pop music.

Tom Peng, the band leader is from Inner Mongolia. He graduated from Inner Mongolia Arts Academy majored in Violin and started his career from Shanghai in 2005. In 2006, he was invited to join a performance in Hong Kong together with American friend Paul and the top female Khoomei artist 苏亚拉赛罕, giving the first attempt in combining the bluegrass with Mongolian music.


In 2010, Tom performed in the advertisement for Chevrolet Shanghai General Motors Corp. In the same year he participated in ICS TV show” Let’s Talk”, when he first played bluegrass as background music alive for TV show. In 2012, Tom formed New Grass Band with schoolmate Hanneke Cassel and Chareles Butler( Famous Banjo player now teaching in Berklee college of Music), Nanyu, Shunzi and Leizi.

2010年接到上汽通用雪弗兰邀约成为其广告片“热爱我的热爱”音乐家篇男主角。2010年与ICS《说东道西》邀约参与录制节目,也是其第一次尝试用蓝草音乐做现场伴凑。2012和学长hanneke cassel 毕业与伯克利现在校任教(吉他作曲家) Charles Butler(著名 班桌琴),南豫,顺子,磊子 组建NEWGRASS BAND.

The band was invited to perform in the Jazz festival 2013 and 2014, and was also invited to perform in Jazz Spring 2016. They were invited by American Consulate on the Day of Dependence in 2015. In the summer, they were invited to perform on world music festival and joined the Echo Music Festival, 布什卡巴什 music festival and Shanghai Summer music festival. In October 2015, they were invited by American music company Northfied mandolin on the World Music Instruments Exhibition. They participated in the Mandolin Seminar held by American Mandolin Association. The band has released two albums and with the third album in preparation.

2013、2014带领乐队参加爵士音乐节,16年春季爵士音乐节。15年美国领事馆邀请参加美国独立日表演。15年夏至参加世界音乐节表演,同年参加回声音乐节,布什卡巴什音乐节,上海夏至音乐节等10月受邀美国公司Northfied mandolin参加国际乐器展表演。在2014 2015年参加了美国曼陀铃协会举办的大师班交流学习。现在乐队已经有两张专辑,第三张在筹备中。

Newgrass Band consists of six artists.

Tom Pang, Mandolin player, who has played for Hailei, a famous singer from mainland China also the the top prize winner in the music live show “I am a singer 2014”. Tom played for Qiqin, a famous singer from Taiwan in the music live show “ The Star of China 2015”. He also played in the chapter of Mandolin for Philharmonic Orchestra Hangzhou 2016.


曼陀铃:庞志鹏(Tom Pang)


Charles Bulter, Banjo player, is one of Nashville's leading progressive banjo players. Over the years he has made his mark performing with an eclectic and impressive list of bands, including Langhorne Slim, Beats Antique, Jim Lauderdale and The Great Barrier Reefs. In 2013 his solo banjo cover of Daft Punk's 'Get Lucky' topped one million YouTube views in less than a week, causing MSN's Michaela Gianotti to declare, "Stop everything and listen to this banjo cover". Charles received a BFA degree in music from SUNY Purchase College, while studying with banjo-great Tony Trischka, and has been actively instructing others in the art of the banjo for the last ten years. Recently, he has added his banjo skills to The Tennessee Warblers, a tight bluegrass ensemble equally at home playing traditional bluegrass as well as Dylan and the Dead. Butler is a rising star with a fresh sound, and as Huffington Post put it, a "Banjo player extraordinare".

In 2007, Tom held the bluegrass concert in Shanghai Concert Hall with famous local band 摇摆苏丹. In 2009, Tom won the top prize in Boston Scotland Violin competition in US. He later studied in Berklee college of Music on American bluegrass, when he was also tutored by two famous musicians from Tennessee.

2007年和在上海很有名气的摇摆苏丹乐队合作在上海音乐厅举办蓝草主题音乐会专场. 2009年获得美国波士顿美苏格兰小提琴演凑冠军( 与来自美国乡村发源地田纳西的两位音乐家),庞志鹏(TomPeng)获著名音乐学院伯克利(Berklee college of Music)奖学金,在蓝草音乐系专攻美国蓝草。

Charles Butler 是Nashville班卓琴大师中的领军人物。一直以来,他和一系列知名乐队的出色演出让人们记忆犹新。这些乐队包括 Langhorne Slim, Beats Antique, Jim Lauderdale and The Great Barrier Reefs.

在2013年他的班卓琴独奏Get Lucky视频在Youtube上不到一周的时间内创造了一百万的点击量。MSN's Michaela Gianotti 对此称赞“放下手中的一切来听这曲班卓琴演奏吧” Charles在 SUNY Purchase College获得音乐学士学位,曾师从班卓琴大师 Tony Trischka, 并在过去的十年中积极指导从事班卓琴演奏艺术的音乐人,最近,他还将班卓琴演奏技术融入到了 Tennessee Warblers 音乐中,Charles 是乐坛冉冉升起的明星,正如 Huffington Post所称道, "一位无与伦比的班卓琴大师"

Adam Books Dudding, Bluegrass guitar player and songwriter.

蓝草吉他手(作曲家):Adam Books Dudding 是来自美国俄亥俄州代顿市1998年获得作曲吉他演奏的学士学位2001年起陆续发行了4张专辑2006年移居纳什维尔(美国乡村发源地)与世界著名的乡村蓝草音乐家合作。2012年他到中国上海结识了TomPeng 合作录制了(In Moment)专辑。他现在与妻子定居纽约,他参加了成千上百场演出,这次他将再次回到上海与TomPeng 合作。

Vocalist Nancy

Nancy used to study in Jilin Arts Academy majoring in pop music singing from 2008 to 2012. She was the student of famous singing artist Sun Dafeng. In September 2012, Nancy furthered her study in Jazz School Shanghai with guidance from Coco Zhao. In July 2013, Nancy studied American bluegrass in California University Santa Cruz Campus based in San Francisco and is now a leading bluegrass singer in China.


2008年~2012年:吉林艺术学院 音乐学院 流行音乐声乐 从师于孙大峰院长;

2012年9月:毕业后来到上海继续深造在JZ school 和著名爵士音乐人老师COCO ZHAO学习爵士;

2013年7月:赴美国加州大学旧金山santa cruz 分校学习美国蓝草乡村音乐。也是国内屈指可数的蓝草乡村歌手。中国蓝草音乐的先驱。

Bass Player Shunzi

Shunzi is from Dalian, a senior member of New Grassband. He is one of the best bluegrass bass players in China with new playing techniques created by himself. He is meanwhile the bass player of Studio 188 Band, one of a top ten international bands.

贝斯手:顺子来自大连,是蓝草乐队元老级人物,他是中国蓝草历史最棒的蓝草贝斯手先驱,他在贝斯上独创了用手扫蓝草节奏的一种技巧,同时他也担任上海著名的10人国际大乐队Studio 188的贝斯手。

Cello Player and Guitar Player Leizi

Leizi was graduated from Inner Mongolia Arts Academy majored in Cello. He studied guitar, electrical music and song composing after graduation. He was also the top prize winner of Inner Mongolia Original Music Work Competition. He later came to Shanghai and studied from world famous guitar player Gu Zongshan. In 2015, he officially joined the New Grass Band. He also played a role as the top classic guitarist in Philharmonic Orchestra Hangzhou 2016.

大提琴手(兼吉他手)磊子:毕业于内蒙古大学艺术学院大提琴专业,毕业后学习木吉他,电声乐,编曲,曾获得内蒙古吉他原创大赛第一名,后奔赴上海在Jazz school 与名师顾中山学习。2015年正式加入新蓝草乐队,2016担任杭州爱乐交响乐团古典吉他手首席。他也是中国唯一用大提琴演奏美国蓝草音乐的先驱音乐人。

It has been 10 years since the New Grassband was established. Over the past ten years, they have made great efforts in combining the Inner Mongolian Folks Songs with Grass Epic and creating the Bluegrass with Chinese Characteristics. Blue Grassband will continue to play in famous music festivals, concerts and bars in China with increasing reputation in the world music stage.




【7.12_周二】江湖Jazz Jam Session即兴爵士现场



【7.15_周五】远方的蓝-Flamenco Jazz






凤凰新闻 天天有料